Work situations

From octobre 2021, en détachement : Senior Lecturer in Computer Science au sein CY Cergy Paris Université - CY Tech (CYU)

Laboratory : Institute of Computer Science of Toulouse (IRIT) - ENSEEIHT

Teaching component : Grande école d’ingénieurs scientist CY Tech Campus de Pau (CY TECH)

  From 2022, Directeur délégué formation de CY Tech Campus de Pau (CY TECH)

  From 2014, Membre du Conseil d’Administration of the Computer Society of France (SIF)

Since September 2018, Senior Lecturer in Computer Science at the National Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse (INPT)

Laboratory : Institute of Computer Science of Toulouse (IRIT) - ENSEEIHT - Team TCI

Teaching component : Institute for the Higher Promotion of Work (IPST-CNAM)

  2014 - 2022, Member of the Bureau of the Computer Society of France (SIF)

  2016 - 2021, Member of the Bureau and you Board of Directors of SPECIF-CAMPUS

2006 - 2018, Assistant professor (senior in 2015) at the National Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse (UVSQ) - University of Paris-Saclay

Laboratory : Laboratoire d’informatique Parallélisme Réseaux Algorithmes Distribués (LI-PaRAD)

Teaching components : Institute of Science and Technology of Yvelines (ISTY Engineering School) and UFR des Sciences

  2011 - 2018, Responsible for placements de l’ISTY ;

  2011 - 2014, Director of IT engineering studies department de l’ISTY ;

  2015 - 2018, Special advisor to the Director of IT department engineer cycle de l’ISTY

2009 - 2011, at the National Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse : Research engineer (ANR contract)

Laboratory : Institute of Computer Science of Toulouse (IRIT) - ENSEEIHT - Team TCI

2008 - 2009, at the National Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse : Research engineer (ANR contract)

Laboratory : Interactive Computing Laboratory (LII) National School of Civil Aviation (ENAC)

at the National Polytechnic Institute of Toulouse, ITRF BAP E design engineer

2005 - 2006, National Institute of Oriental Languages ​​and Civilizations (INALCO Paris)

ICT-TICE advisor to the President

2004 - 2005, Availability : University of Rennes 1

ATER - Teaching Assistant and Research

Laboratory : at the National Polytechnic Institute of Toulouses (IRISA)

Teaching components : InterArmes Military School of Saint-Cyr de Coëtquidan and Higher Training Institute in Computer Science and Communication (IFSIC)

2000 - 2004, Regional Centre for University and School (CROUS Amiens)

Director of the IT and communication technologies department

1996 (start 1991 a CDD) - 2000 : Institute of Business Administration (IAE Pau) - Faculty of Law, Economics and Management (FDEG Pau)

IT Department Manager